Friday, December 02, 2005

The Root of All Evil

We hear about many dangers in our lives. You might hear that stepping on that top step of the ladder is dangerous, and you might discount it. And every now and then someone steps on the top step of the ladder and WHAM! They fall off, break a leg, even die.

But if someone told you over and over that something you did every day was dangerous, wouldn't you listen. Sure ladders are dangerous, but if I drove around at 50 miles an hour, ignored traffic signals and didn't wear a safety belt you would think I was INSANE!

What if the automakers told you they didn't want to install safety belts, then talked about ladders every time you went to the dealership?

That is what this whole Gay Marriage debate is like to me. While we quibble over the fact that some people of the same sex want to get married, we support the root of all evil!

Throughout the Bible we see references to the dangers of living your life in the pursuit of material possessions. Jesus was quite clear about the dangers of being amored with riches and wealth.

In Luke 16 Jesus describes a man who is unscrupulous in his dealings with money. He is quite clear that these dealings with money are a direct blight on his spiritual well being. Luke 16.11 "So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?"

The root of dishonest dealings with money is a worship of worldly wealth (mammon). Jesus is clear, "You cannot serve both God and Money". I shouldn't have to tell a true Christian that those who serve money are not followers of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Another thing that struck me was how strongly the religious leaders of the day react. They sneer at Jesus. He replies in verse 17 "You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of men, but God knows your hearts. What is highly valued among men is detestable in God's sight."

I ask you then. Are there leaders today who bask in personal wealth, while claiming to follow the Lord Jesus? Do they sneer at others? Decry the sins of gay people, drug users, unwed mothers while they wrap themselves in riches? Do some claim they are protecting marriage while they rob the public treasury? Do you see them on the TV? In the highest political offices? Do they get on the radio and tell you how to live their lives?

You may say this is a minor sin compared to homosexuality. Well, the bottom line is ANY sin is enough to send you to hell. We all believe that. But even if that weren't true the sheer number of times Jesus and others warn of the dangers of riches should cue you in to how serious this evil is.

Paul put it clearly, love of money is the root of all evil. (1 Timothy 6:10)

Now I know some people who will point out "the love of money" is not the same as saying "money is the root of all evil." They are right. Money is not the root of all evil, but the love of money. Jesus admonishes worship of worldly wealth, not having it. Jesus' tomb was paid by a rich man.

But who can say they don't crave money? Who has not fallen victom to this sin. I confess I love my computer, my car, my house, and I want more. It is an easy sin to fall into. I have never been a homosexual, but I have definitely worshiped worldly wealth. I do it over and over.

I think this is why politicians like to decry gay marriage. Far easier to get on someone with a sin most of us don't have than to get to the root of all evil! And we who vote for these men who accumulate wealth while clothing themselves in rightousness at the expense of others...we ought to be ashamed.


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